Consider just what motion actually is. What happens when an object moves, on the atomic scale of it in relation to the universal scale?
It is complicated in that the pattern goes from the very smallest to the very largest. You get to looking at something and then see all the details in it and then go around the loop again. One of the dangers of thinking too much.
All of those old megalithic structures appear to have been built without the aid of "modern" math and tools. And precision instruments. Subconsciously, we all have the knowledge of how to move matter or whatever. It is built into our genes. So do monkies. We all have an innate understanding of how things relate together, and actually what life is. Just very hard to see because it is part of us.
Think what Ed essentially said was that when you put enough pressure on something it squashes the magnets out of them. His magnets run in streams in a right hand twist. I posted before about that. Each and every object is bombarded by energy streams from every other object in this universe. The conservation of matter and energy.
The matrix of a material can channel these energy streams, making what we call a magnet. Ed said they should study how natural magnets are made. So it seems to me once you can figure how to channel these streams, you can then apply that power to an object to change its matrix to a point. Leverage. Just by being in a gravitational field means that an object takes on a particular magnetic shape.
Think about it. As molecules are pulled closer together by gravity, the electron fields are warped because of the closer proximity and the effort to achieve equilibrium. Which has to change the magnetic structure of an atom from its desired state. The nucleus is the big mass, therefore the gravity. The electrons are the balancing charge that keeps the matrix intact. Get enough mass together where there is a very strong pull and you strip the electrons off, and eventually the nucleus itself. How suns and stars work.
Curiously, there must be something somewhere that maintains the gravity once the nuclear explosions occur. When an atom explodes it tends to do it in an even manner about it, but due to the gravity and motion, the energy will be directed more in certain directions. The explosions should even add to the gravitational acceleration. Like using directed explosive charges. Equal energy in all directions, but the resistance to the outflow will push the thing away from that resistance.