Gravity is the path from the singularity we sprang from. Everything in the local vicinity wants to return to it, but motion delays it, and can possibly even separate it from that source. The oscillations occurring in seeking to return to that source is what makes time, and why it is "relative".
You would have to disturb all of the matter in an object to affect it's gravitation. I have trouble seeing how to do such unless you created an envelope about it, and giving the object the illusion its motion is transverse to the pull of gravity through that envelope within its matrix.
Ed said gravity must be magnets spurting out of the earth's interior and encountering the magnets in matter. He also said magnets can be sent out in straight streams. Soooo, I would assume that anything he did involved directing streams of his magnets. Don't confuse his magnets with a magnet. A magnet as we know it is a localized loop of concentrated Ed magnets. Spinning gravity, actually.
Antigravity is not a good thing in this present manifestation. That is cutting off your lifeline so to speak. But you should be able to manipulate it to useful purposes. But everything must be done in harmony with the larger scheme of things.
Gravity is the singularity everything sprang from. EM is an effect of the motion created by the singularities expansion. EM can't exist by itself. It is derived from the motion of matter. It can create, but it is not the creator. On our level, it is the expansion of that singularity that is the creator. Something like a bud forming on a branch, and then growing. As that bud grows, it displaces some of the medium it burst into, ie, the air. It knits with that medium. Sort of like what we call matter knits with space to create atoms. Grossly simplified allegory.
Gravity is also time. Let a pendulum loose and it oscillates until it points to the strongest pull of gravity. The oscillation is motion. Time doesn't exist until something moves, and ends when the movement stops. That pendulum will point to the longest line through the earth at first, then as gravity pulls things together, the greates mass in a straight line will be where it points. Meaning it would point to the sun, the center of the galaxy, the center of the universe, etc. Back to the big bang. But it will take a while. Hopefully.
If you follow the pattern of gravity macro and micro, you may detect a sort of hysteresis. Repetitive loops. One thing about gravity is barycenters. That is where the fields null out and all objects orbit common centers between them. There is always this center thing involved. Between two objects, or two hundred million gazillion. Walter Russell, who Ed may have followed, had some things to say about centers. And music.
Our barycenter with the sun is just about in the middle. We are tied to that spot very, very tightly. We move, and it moves in the sun. It moves in the sun, and we move. Hmmm, wonder which decides how we move, or when. Us'ns, or it? Does projection or hologram mean anything to anyone? Maybe a mirror?
While it LOOKS rather small in the sky, the sun actually covers the entire sky from the gravitational and EM standpoint. The entire surface of the sun is sending something straight our way. While you may think the strongest pull of gravity is when the sun is directly overhead, you are right, but not by much. That is just the longest straight line between you, the earth, and the sun. It is just a facet of bipolar perspective that it looks so small. That sucker is huge.
Same for Saturn, Jupiter, and all other bodies out there. Their gravitational and EM effects are much greater than you would think just looking at them. Plus, when you see them they have done moved on someplace else. That tiny point representing the sun is actually about 2 degrees to your right when looking south. That's real time.
To understand what Ed did, you have to understand what Ed was about. The kind of leverage he was really trying to get. That is likely to be beyond the sun, though.
It is all gravity. Strong, weak, EM. It is their proximity to each other that makes the strength. The "magnetism" is the bounce back from the pressure on the atom. Its polarity is determined by the direction of spin. It emanates outward just like gravity emanates inward. The spin warps the field, giving it a more concenetrated effect. North for this purpose is not the North Pole. It is in the direction of the axis. At 30 degrees north latitude, due north is 30 degrees above the horizontal. At the equator it is horizontal. The north pole is 90 to the horizontal.
The big problem is the universe is a dynamic place. Lots of things moving very fast.
We are part of something larger. Gravity is the glue that binds it. The universe didn't just burst upon the scene. It grew into now. For some reason, Newton came to the conclusion that gravity was instantaneous. Feeling things may be more realistic than seeing things.
Perpendicular movement is the only thing we know of that counters gravity. Takes 5000mph to leave the earth. The "weightlessness" in orbit is an illusion. Your weight would be 90% of what it is here. But the perpendicular movement puts you in what they call freefall. Best way to move a heavy rock. Lot less dangerous than being around brute and hard to control magnetic forces you would need down here.
There is no "antigravity". Just a way to change an object's relative strength in the grander scheme of things. Doing such requires a deft hand though, because it would be like handling a rocket.
The basic key is the right angle application of the proper force applied at the proper place with the direction of spin in mind, with it applied with the proper timing. Frequency is important. Either done externally, or more likely by resonance of the object. Put an object in a magnetic field and then resonate it by striking it. That interrupts your lines of flux. Vibrates them. Which then has an effect on the flux generator and the object in its path. The basis of an oscillator. Like the Saturn obelisk.
The barycenter of the earth/sun lies almost dead center of the sun. That would make the biomass of humanity, which by the way is now the largest biomass on the planet, just about dead center. The barycenter is the point of overlapping gravity and the common point objects orbit about. The entire universe is tied together.
Theoretically, as gravity is considered a universal force, your moving an arm will move its barycenter within the sun, or vice versa. Or even with Alpha Centauri.
Chi is the telluric current, which is EM. I meant to show that the phenomenon of barycenters may indicate that we are holo images of some sort.
EM and gravity come from the same source. I explained the mechanism as I perceive it earlier. Bounce back and spin.
Tthe common point the earth and moon orbit about. That spot is normally one moon radius beneath our surface.
Using matter to resonate other matter, being compression of other matter, such as air, or creating a magnetic field that resonates at a particular freq. Resonating a piece of matter in a magnetic flux affects that magnetic field.
Ed's magnets were the effects of gravity. Magnetism is the displacement of space. Magnetism is space in motion.
Gravity polarizes. It bends light. It strips atoms apart. It is present in every bit of matter. You have no EM without matter. EM works in loops, gravity in straight lines. Gravity and motion are the real forces. Our magnetic field on the surface is not THE magnetic field produced by the earth's rotation. The surface field is the result of the matter of the crust being in the field of that flux.
Ed made a point about how the south pole magnets push up more iron filings in the northern hemisphere than the north pole magnets.
Think about how the magnetosphere captures particles from the solar wind. It stops most of those speeding bullets from the sun. Seems to me that it must be stronger than what is commonly thought.
Gravity is the basic force of everything trying to return to its own kind. EM is a force caused by motion. The polarity of a magnetic flux is determined by its direction of spin. This spin causes a disruption or warping of the gravitational field. A vortexing in the medium of "space". "Space" is not nothing, it is something. Something penetrated by something that weaves and knits us out of the interaction of the two. The two, meaning space and matter, are two separate mediums. Matter displaces space, space tries to displace matter. Matter and space is similar to what you would get if you injected a stream of an inert material under high pressure into a vessel of another inert material. It all follows a pattern, though.
Gravity is the base, motion modifies its effects. Lot of gravity under our feet.
Gravity is THE universal force within our realm of knowledge. You don't have EM unless you have spin. You do have gravitational attraction.
Gravity is that which was inflated wanting to deflate. To seek rest. The spinning sets up vortexes within a gravitational field which channels and concentrates the gravitational force in oppostion. Like whirlpools.
BTW, consider the relative forces of gravity and EM, and the polarity caused by the spin. Also, consider that light is nothing but the result of the transformation of energy. An ever ongoing seeking of equilibrium. Now think about the earth's axis being in line with Polaris. Marfa lights?
Take marbles or ball bearings, use them as representations of the smallest mass, or the centers rather. Two in line, then three, etc adds the gravitational attraction. Any spin on the part of any or all distorts the gravitational field. That will give the appearance of frequency. It is periodicity of maximum gravitational pull.
Why does gravity accelerate? Matter displaces space. More matter, more displacement. Bigger hole for space to fill. As objects, and their holes, get closer, there is less space for space to overcome.
Ed's little magnets are the attraction of the smallest particles for each other. Magnetic fields do not go straight out as he said in his experiments, they are closed loops, beginning and ending in the same collection of matter. Relative proximity determines their strength. Magnetic fluxes will join according to polarity. Thereby increasing the apparent mass of an object.
Resonance is plausible. The key is finding where to apply the force to resonate it. There are many clues Ed left that point to that direction.
Water is a diamagnetic and incompressible. It is also a very important facet of Coral Castle. If used as a bearing, gravitational attraction of celestial bodies will create a torque effect upon an object.
I mention the rocking chair because as of 1982 at least, it still rocked smoothly. After 40 years. Pretty good trick for coral on coral.
In the absence of friction that hold us in place, we would rotate. While the strongest pull of gravity is from the earth, it pulls down. At the surface. The spin of the earth in relation to other bodies, such as the sun, or the center of the galaxy, would exert a force on the object that would tend to twist it. Gravity works in straight lines. Like Ed's magnets. Even though it may be relatively weak, the presence of another gravitational body is felt. Friction is what inhibits its effects. That is how the tide works. The moon doesn't lift the water, it pulls it sideways. Zazillions of little roller bearings.
Ed's magnets is the fundamental force of gravity. EM, and everything else, is produced by the distortion of that force by motion.
EM is not a straight line item. Gravity is. EM emanates from and returns to the interaction of localized collections or clumps of matter. That is how everything in our perceived universe is bound together
Gravity is Ed's "negative electricity".
No mass, no magnetic field. Put mass under stress and you get a magnetic field.
Motion at right angles to the pull of gravity counteracts the force of gravity. "Free fall" in orbit is an example of such.
You can move an object at right angles to gravitational pull, or you can make it think it is being moved.
We are part of something larger. Gravity is the glue that binds it. The universe didn't just burst upon the scene. It grew into now. For some reason, Newton came to the conclusion that gravity was instantaneous. Feeling things may be more realistic than seeing things.
Perpendicular movement is the only thing we know of that counters gravity. Takes 5000mph to leave the earth. The "weightlessness" in orbit is an illusion. Your weight would be 90% of what it is here. But the perpendicular movement puts you in what they call freefall. Best way to move a heavy rock. Lot less dangerous than being around brute and hard to control magnetic forces you would need down here.
There is no "antigravity". Just a way to change an object's relative strength in the grander scheme of things. Doing such requires a deft hand though, because it would be like handling a rocket.
The basic key is the right angle application of the proper force applied at the proper place with the direction of spin in mind, with it applied with the proper timing. Frequency is important. Either done externally, or more likely by resonance of the object. Put an object in a magnetic field and then resonate it by striking it. That interrupts your lines of flux. Vibrates them. Which then has an effect on the flux generator and the object in its path. The basis of an oscillator. Like the Saturn obelisk.
Ed's magnets are gravity, as is his "negative: electricity. Gravity is the force, which may be similar to a magnetic or electrical flow, which we sprang from. The thing that causes time. The bud on a branch that motion keeps things separated.
The oscillations of a pendulum create time. The motion counteracts gravity. That pendulum oscillates until gravity finally overcomes the momentum of motion, then it lines up with the most density of matter in a straight line, which appears to be through the center of the earth, but is actually the diameter. Over a period of time that pendulum should point to the sun, then the next largest density, and so on until it points to the singularity we burst upon the scene from. If there isn't another force to keep things in motion. Curiously, it takes a point of resistance to the flow of things to start that sideways motion. Meaning if you didn't have something blocking a piece of matter from it's desire to go straight to the source of all things then you wouldn't have motion. Relatively speaking.